Financial Planning: Tailoring Your Message To Your Ideal Client

Many financial advisors discuss the basics of financial planning, which is a great starting point for those unfamiliar with the concept. However, focusing solely on high-level strategies and opportunities will only resonate with a broad audience rather than specifically with your ideal client. Tailoring your message to ensure it speaks directly to your target audience is essential.

The Power of a One-Page Mock Client Profile in Financial Planning

While at a financial planning firm, a potential client came in for a consultation. He was just a few years away from retirement and matched the ideal client profile we had developed. He was:

  • A local and active member of the community

  • Had over $1M in assets

  • A pleasant individual who was family-oriented

  • Had good habits in terms of saving, spending within his means, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Although he was seeing another advisor and was not unhappy, he needed to be more familiar with financial planning. His current advisor was pushing him towards specific products, and we needed help explaining the benefits of financial planning in comparison. However, things started to click when we presented him with a one-page mock client profile. This simulated profile was essentially him on paper and showed how our services would help him. We also created a short video explaining the one-page plan and how we would use eMoney to walk him through potential scenarios. This allowed him to fully envision himself in the process. The next day, he reached out to us and expressed his desire to work with our team!

Empowering Women with Tailored Financial Advice

Seeing female advisors passionate about assisting women with their finances is inspiring. The fact is that women tend to earn less than men, often serve as caregivers to both children and aging parents, and have longer life spans than men. This is why creating a profile specifically designed for women is critical. I'm sold when you show me how you'll help me specifically! So, what does this approach look like? Here are a few examples of how you can differentiate yourself from other advisors and cater to women's specific needs:

  • Assist with salary negotiations.

  • Provide coaching to build confidence in decision-making.

  • Review caregiving options and associated trade-offs.

  • Guide them through a risk assessment tool to ensure investment aligns with their risk tolerance.

  • Facilitate financial organization and planning, including estate planning and developing relationships with other professionals.

  • Consider healthcare costs in retirement.

  • Incorporate all of the profile traits that resonate with you.

By tailoring your approach to meet women's unique needs, you can significantly impact their financial well-being.

Ways to Apply this Information to Your Process:

  • Online: Host the information on your website in various forms to cater to different learning styles. Use video to add a personal touch and detail how financial planning software can aid the management of your relationship. Link to a one-page PDF that showcases your client's ideal financial profile, demographics, behavioral traits, values, and strategies. For SEO purposes, include a brief summary of the information in writing on your website.

  • Print: Consider printing a few one-pagers and placing them in your waiting area, conference room, or at events. Having a physical copy of the information can help people engage with it more effectively. Encourage people to take it home and digest it at their own pace. By using a variety of senses, such as sight, smell, and hearing, you can create a more vivid and robust picture that helps potential clients envision themselves working with you.

Utilizing these methods can effectively communicate your services and unique approach to potential clients.

Want to get started?

Take a look at my one-pager below. Remember to consider your ideal client's stage of life, their biggest concerns, personality, values, behavior, interests, and everything else that makes up their financial profile. 

Ready to transform your profile copy and start attracting your ideal clients? Let's chat!


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