Financial Planning: Tailoring Your Message To Your Ideal Client
brand strategy, financial planning Devon Volker brand strategy, financial planning Devon Volker

Financial Planning: Tailoring Your Message To Your Ideal Client

Many financial advisors discuss the basics of financial planning, which is a great starting point for those unfamiliar with the concept. However, focusing solely on high-level strategies and opportunities will only resonate with a broad audience and not specifically with your ideal client. It's essential to tailor your message to ensure it speaks directly to your target audience.

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5 Critical Website Audit Questions To Ask Yourself

5 Critical Website Audit Questions To Ask Yourself

The internet is full of outdated and ineffective websites that fail to engage users or generate conversions. Is your website one of them? Ask yourself these 5 questions along with my 6-step web audit process will help you identify areas for improvement and create a plan for making your website more effective and impactful. With fresh copy and design, you can transform your website into a powerful marketing tool that attracts and converts visitors.

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Learning From Your Industry Competitors
Devon Volker Devon Volker

Learning From Your Industry Competitors

You can learn a lot from your competitors! You can analyze their marketing strategies and see what works well for them. You can look at their product or service offerings and see how you can improve your own offerings. You could analyze their pricing structure and see where you could be more competitive. Most importantly, you can learn what to avoid.

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