How Did I Get Here?

“It’s easy to overlook all of your growth and progress in the moment. We all need to take a bit more time to feel proud of ourselves.” ~Salil Bloom


To effectively reflect on the past and future, mentally transport yourself to those times from your present perspective. Professional authors Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan offer a useful framework in their book, "The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success," which highlights the importance of considering both the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and the gain between where you were and where you are. When reflecting on the past, it's easy to overlook growth and progress that have been made. Take the time to celebrate your accomplishments and feel proud of yourself. Also, consider how your definition of success has evolved over time.

Salil's questions on time travel really made me think. To break down my thoughts, I'll answer them in a Q&A format. Let's dive in...


What was my definition of enough 5 years ago and how does it compare to my definition today?

Five years ago, I made it my top priority to obtain a job that would allow me to spend more quality time with my family. Having spent over 15 years in a profession that demanded constant travel, long hours, and work on holidays, I began to question the purpose of it all. The corporate world, especially for women, is a perpetual challenge to achieve more, to make constant compromises, and to prove oneself daily.

Fortunately, I found a job just a mile away from my home with fewer responsibilities, and that was enough for me. The opportunity to help a local business owner motivated me to make the switch. I was content to start small and grow with a small firm over time. By leaving home at 8:00 am and returning at 4:30 pm, I had ample time to spend with my family – which was my top priority!

How does that compare to my definition of enough today?

Today, I realize that being confined to a single role is not fulfilling for me. I possess a diverse skill set, and spending time with my family is not just a desire, but a necessity. My children are involved in various activities that require a significant time commitment from me. As an active volunteer in sports coaching, education foundations, and reading programs, I require a flexible schedule. To me, "enough" means being present not only for my family, but also for my community. I aim to support not only myself, but also other entrepreneurs working towards their goals. My versatility allows me to be an excellent operations consultant, designer, copywriter, leader, communicator, and content creator. I take pride in my personal and professional growth over the past five years, and look forward to continued learning and development.

What would my 5 year younger self be proud of me for? Am I proud of myself for those things in the present?

Heck yeah, my 5 year younger self would be proud of me! I've acquired an entirely new skillset in a different industry and used that knowledge to launch my own company. WHAT??!?? Starting a company was always a dream of mine, but I lacked the courage to pursue it. I also didn't feel ready or think the timing was right. However, I took small steps to put myself where I am today - pursuing my passion and working according to my abilities and values. I'm no longer wasting time, but taking action and striving for excellence.

If you woke up in 10 years and were in flow, what actions did you take that got you there?

  • Keep learning

  • Network and make meaningful connections

  • Act as a mentor to others

  • Give back to my community

  • Identify what works best

If you woke up in 10 years and everything were broken, what went wrong?

  • Failure to prioritize critical aspects that drive progress

  • Reluctance to seek help

  • Complacency and lack of action

Imagine you're living your ideal day in the future, what are you doing? How does it differ from your current day?

  • Spend quality time with loved ones

  • Get enough rest

  • Enjoy delicious homemade meals

  • Engage in physical activity

  • Work with inspiring individuals on challenging projects that motivate me and make a difference

  • Provide value and help others grow

The only thing missing from my ideal day is a consistent workflow. Since starting my own business, I have met some incredible people and established new relationships. I am eager to continue this momentum and showcase my full potential to the world.

Hi! I’m Devon. I love creating original content and providing operational support that helps financial advisors grow and thrive.

I don't need others to motivate me to succeed.

In addition to my professional roles, I am also a proud mother, devoted wife, and caring daughter.

Outside of work, I enjoy giving back to my community by volunteering with youth sports, learning centers at my children's school, and serving on the board of our local education foundation.

Most importantly, I want to help you.


“If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” ~ Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


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